Friday, January 24, 2020

Gear Up for 5G

It's Coming! 2020 Will Welcome 5G Networks

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Ever since mobile cell phones took over, we have heard of networks like 3G and 4G. Those are the wireless networks that allow our phones to connect to high speed internet. Just like anything in life, technology is ever-changing and therefore companies have started to dip into the next big thing: 5G wireless networks. 

First, we have to understand what exactly a 5G network is and how people will soon be able to immerse themselves in this technology. This 5G network will provide faster and stronger internet connections all over the world, which is what everyone wants anyways. In the past, cellphones connected to 4G may have had issues downloading large amounts of content such as a video or movie. With the new 5G network, there will be less buffering time so people will be able to have more content on their cell phones. Also, 5G will provide better quality for calls and video chats which will please a lot of people if they have ever experienced "Poor Connection".

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Ever wonder why your phone gets slow at a sports game? It is because there are so many people connected to the network at one time it creates a jam. This 5G network will allow more bandwidth which equals more devices connected to the network at a time. Another glimpse at what 5G can do is better connect you to the internet in your car. We live in an age where smart cars are developing in all sorts of ways and faster internet applies to that too. Cars will be able to have smarter sensors when on the road to protect you from other vehicles. 5G wireless networks will soon be connected to our cell phones and society will take a step into the future. 

The World We Live In I bet if you ask your parents, "Did you think we would have all this technology when you were younger?&qu...